June 23 - July 3, 2024
2024 Bartle Summer Camp
H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation is located in Oscela, Missouri in the Heart of America Council.
Bartle Program Information 2024
$450 has been paid to HoAC (Heart of America Council) and $580 is due for all attendees! Note: Due to the rising cost of gas, the $580 is an estimated total cost, the actual cost is looking to be slightly higher given gas has gone up over 100% since last November. The price of fuel will be evenly distributed between all traveling to Bartle.
Merit Badge Selection is the middle of May, be sure to get your selections to Mr. Day ASAP, definitely before MB entry date!
Forms for 2024
Merit Badge Selection Form Can be found here!
Merit Badge List is here! (Longer Document Including MB Descriptions and Outpost List)
Map of Sawmill (To help in picking morning and Afternoon MBs close together.)
These forms should be turned in as soon as possible:
OTC Medical Form is here!
Boy Scouts Form ABC is here! (Need doctor signatures on B2 and C)
2024 Bartle Waiver
If you have any food allergies or special needs, please fill out this Special Needs Request Form ASAP!
2024 Fee Schedule
Information from James Day, based on info from Bob Dickenson in past years:
It is time once again to make our reservation for camping at Bartle in Missouri. The deadline for making reservations is October 17, so we need to get started and the sign-up list is now available.
This will be the 26th year that Troop 114 has attended Bartle, and it is always a highlight of the summer. For those of you who have never attended Bartle, in many ways it is very similar to the camps such as Peaceful Valley or Camp Alexander that you are already familiar with. There are several features, though, that make Bartle unique. First, it runs a ten day session instead of 7 days. That gives Scouts enough time to complete some of the more difficult required merit badges such as Lifesaving and Environmental Science. Our Scouts have averaged 4 completed merit badges each for the last several years. Second, it is located at the northern edge of the Ozarks, right on the banks of the Truman Reservoir, so it is a very different type of terrain and climate than we see in Colorado, and it’s a great change of pace from that standpoint. Finally, Bartle offers an honor camping program called the Tribe of Mic-O-Say which is not offered anywhere else in the country. Our scouts have found this program to be exciting and well worth their time; most of the scouts who go to Bartle return more than once to complete the program. The only age restriction that the troop has placed on this trip is that you should be a second year camper. So, everyone currently in the troop should be eligible to attend (if you haven’t been to a summer camp with the troop but want to do Bartle, please discuss with me).
With the ten day session length, Bartle offers six sessions each summer, and they start on various days of the week as the summer rolls along. Because of the Troop’s other planned activities during the summer, we will attend the first session of the summer, which begins Thursday, June 4 and ends Saturday, June 13th.
There are significant financial penalties for reserving either too few or too many slots. While I can adjust the count upwards at any time (and incur a small “late fee”) I cannot adjust the count downwards after I send the October reservation, so it is important to have as accurate a count as possible now when we submit the original request. So, if you have an interest in attending Bartle next summer (either Scouts or adults), please let me know by email or in person no later than October 13th so that I can add you to the list and make a reservation for the proper number.
Once the dates are finalized I will need a $50 deposit from each participant to hold your spot. Depending on gasoline prices by next summer, I expect that the total cost for the trip will be around $580.
I would be happy to answer questions from any Scout or parent about the camp and the trip. I also encourage Scouts to talk with the Scouts who have been before (we’ve taken at least 12 and sometimes over 20 scouts in past years, so they should be easy to find). It is my belief that this is the premier summer camp for scouts in the country, so please give it your consideration. For those who plan to attend, feel free to respond to James Day at genmakun@gmail.com or 720-839-8020. Another contact in Troop 114 for Bartle information is Rob Dickinson who can be reached at rdickinson114@gmail.com or 303-795-9479.
James Day
Camping Resources: https://www.hoac-bsa.org/camping-resources
Map of Sawmill: https://www.hoac-bsa.org/Data/Sites/1/media/camping/2022/ls_sm-map-january-2022.pdf
Special Needs Request Form
More Information
2022 Merit Badge Completion Records
2023 Merit Badge Completion Records