Member information (login required):
Troop Meetings - Thursdays from 7:00PM-8:30PM (1st Thursday of each month dismissed at 8:00PM for a Patrol Leaders Conference)
Monthly Campouts - The third weekend of each month; usually from Friday evening thru Sunday around noon.
Other Activities - As announced, this includes frequent Life & Eagle service projects, patrol meetings, as well as BSA Sponsored Events.
Parent's Committee Meeting - 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7PM-8:30PM.
Scoutmaster's Breakfast - 1st Saturday of every other month
**We follow the LPS calendar for scheduling/snow closures
All policies of the Troop shall be established and governed by the Troop Committee, composed of parents and adult leaders, and shall be in keeping with the philosophies and practices of the BSA and the Littleton UMC. Activities shall be under the direction of the Senior Patrol with the guidance of the Scoutmaster.
Scouts are organized into patrols under the leadership of a youth Patrol Leader. Other youth positions include Scribe, Librarian, Chaplain's Aide, Quartermaster, Troop Guide and more. Troop 114 currently has four patrols in addition to the Senior Patrol. Every effort is made to assign duties to the youth and to set them up for success. Adult Leaders of the Troop are present to assure safety and compliance to the rules and regulations of Troop 114 and the BSA.
Annual Troop Dues - $140 due in January of each year. These dues cover the following Troop costs:
Registration with the BSA
Subscription to Boy's Life magazine, a publication of the BSA
All rank, position and award patches
Patrol Camping Gear (tents, stoves, group items)
Campsite reservation fees
Troop insurance, supplies, projects and maintenance
First year scouts receive a reduced rate of $70 due to the other costs associated with joining the Troop. We hope this aids in the purchase of equipment, uniform and camp fees in the first year after which fundraising will be more available to help in year two and beyond.
A major part of Scouting is service to others. Completing service projects is required for advancing to the ranks of Life and Eagle and organizing projects provides learning opportunities for the youth leaders of the Troop.
Service projects have been completed with LUMC, Littleton Chamber of Commerce, South Suburban, VFW, Nature Conservancy, Audubon Society, Colorado State parks, and many more. Troop 114 provides around 1500 hours of service annually.
Flyers with project details and times are sent home. Service to others is a staple in the Scouting program, and the benefits are great to the organizer, contributors and the recipient. Please encourage and enable your scout to participate.
We hold an outdoor camp nearly every month of the year! Summer camps are a different story, but these are some guidelines for our monthly Troop Hosted camps:
Scouts travel to and from camp in uniform so that the Troop appears as a coordinated unit.
Your scout should bring a sack dinner on Friday night to eat in transit to the camping location.
Scouts depart from the church at 5:00PM and will return to the Church on Sunday morning. You’ll receive a phone call from your camper to let you know when they will arrive.
Scouts should notify their Patrol Leader by the first meeting of the month if plan to attend the campout that month.
Scouts below 1st Class are required to bring their gear on Thursday before camp for pack inspection. Older scouts will check bags to ensure they are adequately prepared.
Menus and Food are planned by a Patrol member. This cost (and fuel cost) is covered by the designated fee. Scouts cancelling after food is bought cannot be reimbursed.
No Scout can attend without having a parent signed permission slip for that camp prior to departure.