Trouble Logging in?
Login - You'll need a password from the Troop to access secure portions of the site. You'll receive notice of being registered once you've turned in an application, and it will be based on the email address you list. If you haven't received your password, email now and we'll set it straight quickly. You may also request additional memberships for spouses and boys as needed.
Resetting your Password - You may reset your default password and set it to something you'll remember by clicking the reset your password link on the login dialog box. Enter your email address, and then check your email for a link to reset your password.
Subscribe to the Mailing List - You may subscribe using the form at the bottom of any page on www.troop-114.org. The Troop uses two separate services to communicate; Mail Chimp and Google Groups. When you sign up on the site, we'll register you for both behind the scenes so you'll receive all email. Multiple email addresses are welcome, including the boys if they have their own addresses.
Corrections/Additions - Help us proofread! If you see any sort of mistake on the site, please report it to us so we can correct it. We also are happy to accomodate requests for any additional content that can help you with your Scouting experience. If you have ideas, please let us know!