Troop 114 Girls has moved here :
Troop 114 Girls In the News!
June 24, 2019, Channel 4 News, CBS Denver, featured Troop 114 Girls!
Here is a link to the whole story:
Troop 114 Takes on New Community Challenges!
October 10: Troop Meeting
October 17: Troop Meeting (Pack check for campers)
October 18-20 - Horsemanship Camp - US Air Force Academy
We'll be camping under the B-52 in FAMCamp and taking a trail ride from the academy livery stables. A great opportunity and experience!
Click here to pay for camp via credit card.
October 24: Halloween Party!
October 28: Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge. Sign up here:
October 31: No Troop meeting! Happy Halloween!
November 5th- Parent's Committee Meeting - 7PM LUMC Parlor
For the parents, join us to discuss logistics, finances and other business
November 22-24 - Pack 461 Cub Scout Camp - Tahosa
We'll offer our leadership services to the Girl Cub Scouts of Pack 461 at this annual Tahosa camp.
Dates to Know
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