Upcoming meeting
We're planning to attempt an online meeting this coming Thursday on discord.
Charles Graham's Eagle Court of Honor
It will be this upcoming Friday at 7pm.
Crossover Pack 114
This will occur Tuesday at 7pm.
Darius, Ben, and Zach's Eagle Court of Honor
It will be this Sunday.
On the 22-24th we are hosting our Annual Thanksgiving camp out with pack 461, so be sure to sign up. It also should be noted that we have...
No meeting this coming Halloween, have fun and enjoy yourselves.
Eagle Project
Ben Holmes had his Eagle Project just a short while ago, the goal was to build a ticket box for the Heritage field (mostly gonna be used...

World Jamboree
The World Scout Jamboree has just occurred, learn more about it here.
James Osborne's Life Project
The project went rather well. It entailed the removal of mullein, an invasive plant, from Roxburough. Everything went as planned, and...
Your several years of waiting are over, the blog is back online if just for a bit.